KDH and SDKU Write a Letter to their Voters and Partisans

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BRATISLAVA, October 15, (WEBNOVINY)- KDH Chairman Jan Figel says that Slovakia is to face hard times both politically and economically. However the KDH offers a stable, tested responsible policy, suggests Figel in a letter to voters and partisans of the party. The KDH had imminent interest in reaching an agreement with the SaS but they rejected any reasonable compromise that would have confirmed Slovakia’s obligation towards the eurozone without losing face. Figel also wrote that deputies of the ruling coalition from the SaS and further two factions failed to voice confidence in the Cabinet of Iveta Radicova in the merged vote on the bailout fund and confidence and thus they recalled it together with opposition parties.

The emerged situation meant the unilateral revoking of the Coalition Agreement by the SaS, after which the agreement ceased to exist. In order to fulfill the government obligation towards the eurozone and to secure the stability of the euro three coalition parties started negotiations with SMER-SD in this matter. The only condition of SMER-SD for their approval of the bailout fund was early elections. The three parties agreed to the solution while it is possible to say that such agreement was politically fair and comprehensible also for voters, explains the letter. Figel writes that they are sorry that they could not accomplished the unfinished job and voiced hope that voters will enable the party to continue it after elections.

The SDKU-DS presidency wrote an open letter to its members and sympathizers on Friday. Signed by party leaders Iveta Radicova, Mikulas Dzurinda, Ivan Miklos, Lucia Zitnanska and Eugen Jurzyca, the letter explains that Richard Sulik’s political irresponsibility and recklessness led to the fall of the Cabinet. “Merging the vote on the European Financial Stability Mechanism with a vote of confidence in the Cabinet, proposed by Prime Minister Iveta Radicova, was necessary in this situation. The Cabinet, which due to the recklessness and irresponsibility of one coalition partner shot down measures necessary to saving Europe and our common currency, cannot continue to rule. Such recklessness leads to political and economic damage. It stands in the way of vital European economic dialogue and damages every citizen of the Slovak Republic economically,” states the SDKU letter.


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Viac k osobe Eugen JurzycaIvan MiklošIveta RadičováJán FigeľLucia ŽitňanskáMikuláš Dzurinda