IBM Investment Could Land in Slovakia

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BRATISLAVA, August 26, (WEBNOVINY) – IBM company can invest in the central or eastern Slovakia, the Ministry of Construction and Economy (MHV) confirmed. On Thursday, Economy Minister Juraj Miskov met with the representatives of IBM Slovensko, s.r.o, who informed him that Slovakia has become one of the five selected candidates for a project of this foreign investor heading to central Europe.

IBM representatives did not specify their intentions at the meeting, according to the Ministry. Their desire was to hear the particular possibilities that Slovakia has to offer. Slovakia will be interesting especially in terms of a freer business environment which is not encumbered by unnecessary administrative obstacles and has a more flexible labor market, according to Miskov.

If Slovakia obtains the investment, two hundred jobs would be added next year and a total of three thousand jobs over next three years could be created, the daily newspaper Hospodarske noviny informed on Thursday. IBM representatives are considering the towns of Zilina, Kosice, or other localities as the location of the investment, according to the newspaper. IBM has developed its activities in Slovakia since 1990. Its independent subsidiary, IBM Slovensko, was founded in 1992 and has headquarters in Bratislava and two branches in Banska Bystrica and Kosice.


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Viac k osobe Juraj Miškov