Financial Assets of Slovaks Tripled in a Decade

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BRATISLAVA, September 20, (WEBNOVINY) — Slovakia is a medium wealthy country with average gross financial assets per capita of EUR 7,578, shows an analysis of the Allianz group that covered the development of wealth and debts of private households in fifty countries at the end of 2010. Over the last ten years, average gross financial assets per capita in the Slovak Republic more than tripled. Though the 12.8 percent y/y pace of growth in Slovakia is below the average of the region with 16.3 percent, Slovakia is one of few countries worldwide where the growth of assets actually accelerated after the financial crisis.

Just like last year, Switzerland leads the chart of the wealthiest countries benefiting from its strong currency. Switzerland with financial assets of EUR 207,393 per capita is followed by the US with EUR 111,897 per capita and Japan with EUR 111.598 per capita. According to Allianz „safe assets“ are preferred worldwide and mainly in wealthy countries.

According to the report, the share of bank deposits is traditionally high in Slovakia. At the end of 2010 it reached 60 percent. Though the strategy of investors is understandable in a situation marked by uncertainty on markets, it could threaten the long-term development of property accumulation, said President of Allianz-Slovenska Sporitelna Marek Jankovic, because of dramatic consequences of demographic changes, savers cannot simply rely only on investments with low risk and return,“ he said.

Allianz has been active on the Slovak market since 1993, when it started its business as Allianz Poistovna. Nine years later, it acquired former state-operated Slovenska Poistovna. The two insurance houses merged in January 2003.


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Viac k osobe: Marek Jankovič