According to the Nuclear Regulation Authority, Austrian non-government organization GLOBAL 2000 is attempting to halt the completion of Mochovce NPP by any means, including scaremongering.
The Public Procurement Office has initiated legal proceedings in connection with three orders when the Regulatory Office for Network Industries attempted to avoid the procedure for above threshold contracts.
The Slovak Innovative and Energy Agency handed out 490 vouchers for the installation of solar collectors to households outside the Bratislava region in the first round.
The state-owned central heating company Bratislavska Teplarenska was expected to pay more than 9 million euros to the company Paroplyn Holdings Limited at the beginning of the dispute.
Slovenske Elektrarne (SE), which holds has almost a 70-percent share on the electricity market, generated 18,368 GWh of electricity last year and delivered 16,778 GWh to the grid.
The Ministry of Economy has issued a decree which sets the list of eligible industrial sectors, extent and structure of administration and the provision of compensation.
The Nuclear Supervisory Authority says that the test of the tightness and integrity of the hermetic zone, both underpressure and overpressure, achieved an excellent result.
The projects which received the permission from the Economy Ministry last year concerned mostly the construction of new energy infrastructure and renovation of energy facilities.
National regulators in Germany, Austria, Poland and countries associated in the market coupling, such as Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Romany have already asked to launch a temporary project of the interconnection of daily electricity markets among the countries mentioned above.
Bohunice programme in the period 2021 – 2027 will be subject to a minimum EU co-financing rate set at 50 percent, rather than to a maximum rate of 50 percent, as the European Commission proposed.
The company Eustream did not record any disruptions with gas deliveries from Russia across Ukraine during holidays or over the first days of the year 2019.
The company Vodohospodarska Vystavba expects to complete a tender for a supplier of the general overhaul of the hydro-power plant Gabcikovo in the first quarter 2019.
The government decided to shorten the general economic interest in connection of coal mining for the purposes of electricity generation from the year 2030 to 2023.