The company Vodohospodarska Vystavba is currently in talks with the EC’s agency Innovation and Networks Executive Agency about a grant under CEF Energy Program.
The representatives of Vychodoslovenska Energetika call for a discussion about the future pricing. The company is convinced that that public debate in wider circles will reveal the benefits that have been proposed and will help to prepare the market for the new cost allocation.
The state operator of the electricity grid SEPS signed a contract on the construction of a 400-kV substation Bystricany and extension of 400-kV substations Zdana and Krizovany with the association of SAG Elektrovod and Alter Energo.
According to the company Vychodoslovenska Distribucna, those who do not fully use the capacity of the circuit breaker will no longer be subsidized by those who use it.
The company SSE-D rejects the criticism over electricity prices increase for households. According to the director of the company’s board of directors, Frantisek Cupr, problems related to the change in tariff policy were caused due to oversized breakers.
The leader of OLaNO, Igor Matovic, says that the troubles with energy prices are the result of the parties’ nominations in state bodies of the distribution companies.
The Constitutional Court declined Slovenske Elektrarne’s complaint against the steps taken by the Supreme Court which dismissed the appeal of the Slovak dominant electricity producer in connection with the trial over the invalidity of the contract on the operation of the Gabcikovo hydropower plant.
Slovakia’s daily gas deliveries to Ukraine reached from 41.5 million to almost 43 million cubic meters in December, but fell moderately to roughly 40 million cubic meters over the first days of the year 2017.
The company Vychodoslovenska Distribucna (VSD) says that distribution companies today bear the difference between the costs of the additional payment for the so-called green electricity and the revenues under the support scheme.
SSE’s market share in electricity supplies has been levelled off for already several years, says the head of the company’s Board of Directors Office, Michaela Kriva.
Economy Minister Peter Ziga has not yet received replies from the shareholders of Slovenske Elektrarne concerning the meeting where the completion of the two nuclear blocks in Mochovce would be resolved.
The regulator admits that the major problem in solving energy poverty is to define it, measure its level and identify people who need help with energy bills.
Every consumer in the tariff D1 – small flats with consumption up to 1,000 kWh – will save money next year, informed the head of the Regulatory Office for Network Industries, Jozef Holjencik.