BRATISLAVA, June 14, (WEBNOVINY) — The European permanent bailout mechanism will be ratified in Slovakia by the end of June. According to Prime Minister Robert Fico, the ruling SMER-SD and all opposition parties but SaS agreed on this at their meeting on Thursday. Moreover, all parliamentary parties presented an unambiguous opinion that Slovakia should behave as a responsible and trustworthy partner that can be relied on within the prospective part of Europe, reported Fico.
“I hail that with the exception of one political party that holds a negative stance in the long run, other political parties including the governing SMER-SD have clearly expressed their interest to ratify the permanent stability mechanism by June 30 2012. We therefore will not be postponing the vote on the ratification for the period after June, we want to hold it at this parliamentary session,” Fico stated following the meeting with the leaders of the parliamentary opposition parties.
The ratification of ESM is the ninth point on the agenda of the upcoming parliamentary session. Speaker of Parliament Pavol Paska however is yet to meet with the heads of factions on when the point will be discussed within the upcoming session starting on June 19. “But in a way so that the permanent bailout fund is ratified in Slovakia by June 30, 20102. We do not want to wait somewhere in the corner, we are an independent sovereign country,’” Fico said.
The head of the opposition SaS party Richard Sulik maintains that the main reason behind their attempt to delay the vote was to wait for the decision of Germany. The SaS however dismisses the proposal as such. Sulik says that prime minister Fico had a chance to show that he defends Slovakia’s state interests but instead he just announced that the country will endorse the permanent stability mechanism.