Slovakia Will Miss Deadline for 3rd Liberalization Package

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BRATISLAVA, March 8, (WEBNOVINY) – Slovakia will be late with implementing the third liberalization package into the national legislation, in spite of the fact, that its transposition was supposed to be finished in March 2011. “The delay is caused by the complexity of the entire process, which changes the rules throughout the whole energetic sector and the necessity to hold talks with all parties concerned,” the Economy Ministry told SITA on Tuesday.

The ministry was unable to specify when the third package could be implemented into Slovak legislation. “We work intensely on speeding up the implementation of the liberalizing package into Slovak legislation. The draft laws, which provide the transposition needed, were already discussed in the internal process,” added the Ministry, which plans to submit the drafts to interdepartmental review in March.

According to the Regulatory Office for Network Industries (URSO), implementation of the third liberalization package might reduce energy prices. “In the case that the third liberalization package is adopted, we will have better capabilities to interfere in the structure of costs of the distribution companies and into transmission networks. The legislation would give us better possibilities in controlling and influencing the price making,” said the URSO head Jozef Holjencik at a press conference on Tuesday. According to him, the price for electricity distribution as well as transmission fees, which equal approximately 32 percent of electricity price, could be reduced.


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Viac k osobe Jozef Holjenčík