Slovakia Wants a Training Unit for Afghan Soldiers

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BRATISLAVA, August 27, (WEBNOVINY) — Slovakia’s interest in creating its own training team for the Afghan National Army, which would operate under the ISAF in Afghanistan. It would cooperate in its creation with soldiers of the National Guard of the state of Indiana. Chief of General Staff of Slovakia’s Armed Forces General Lubomir Bulik announced this after talks with the Commander of Indiana National Guard, U.S., General Martin R. Umbarger. „It is a very interesting and important project, which will extend capabilities of the armed forces,“ said General Bulik. The task of training teams is to train soldiers of the Afghan National Army, monitor and oversee the implementation of daily activities and be available for specific units so that they are able to independently plan and be deployed in operations.

Slovakia’s Armed Forces have 315 troops approved for service in ISAF; currently they have 306 serving in Afghanistan. „Our intention is, what was already discussed with the former leadership of the Defense Ministry, to increase our contribution by about one hundred soldiers,“ said General Bulik. These troops would serve in various positions to help the Afghan Army. General Bulik said he was preparing a material for the Defense Minister, which will define priorities for further troop increases in Afghanistan. One of them will be creating this joint team with the Indiana National Guard. Slovakia should have about fifteen to twenty soldiers on this team.


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