Slovakia Remembers its Constitution Day Today

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BRATISLAVA, September 1, (WEBNOVINY) – Speaking on the occasion of the Constitution Day of the Slovak Republic national holiday, President Ivan Gasparovic pointed out the difficult beginnings that led to the adoption of this modern and timeless document on September 1, 1992 and the establishment of independent Slovak statehood on January 1, 1993.

„I vividly remember the process of drafting the Constitution. An expert team led by Professor Milan Cic, which has been preparing the new constitution, was aware that it cannot be based on the former federal Constitution, but they must elaborate it on the basis of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms. And that’s what put our Constitution into the position in a modern law,“ said President Gasparovic.

On the occasion of today’s public holiday, he expressed his appreciation of the fact that „Slovakia already had its Constitution at a time when the Slovak Republic declared independence and that already the first laws that were adopted were adopted within the purview of these principles — democratism and the Charter of Civil Rights,“ he said. According to the president, another proof of modernity of the Constitution is the fact that its amendments were unrelated to the basic principles and no serious changes were made to its wording.

President Gasparovic further pointed out that the Constitution of the Slovak Republic is a document based on national and civil principle. Already the preamble highlights this principle constitutionally, morally, politically, with regard to state law defining the state as a community of a nation and minorities, and it should be noted that as equal entities. According to the head of state, the Slovak Constitution clearly declares that state power derives from the citizens. From all of them, irrespective of ethnic origin, religion, race, education, language, political or other beliefs. „Our Constitution serves the people, citizens of Slovakia. That is its meaning. It symbolizes their state identity, the basic social agreement on the management and heading of our statehood. The Constitution of the Slovak Republic leads us to a moral and compassionate form of coexistence of citizens in the interests of all and everyone,“ noted the president.

The Constitution of the Slovak Republic is a document of democratic constitutionalism that was adopted as an expression of democratic will of the people soon after the parliamentary elections in 1992. By adopting the Constitution, the Slovak nation, together with the minorities living in Slovakia, citizens of the Slovak Republic, expressed their wish to live in a democratic and sovereign republic respecting rule of law, President Gasparovic concluded.


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Viac k osobe Ivan GašparovičMilan Čič