SDKU Says KDH and MOST are its Partners

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SDKU Says KDH and MOST are its Partners before and after Elections

ZVOLEN, October 29, (WEBNOVINY)- SDKU Chairman Mikulas Dzurinda has said on Saturday that the party is prepared to go jointly with the parties KDH and MOST-HID to elections and wants to cooperate with them also after the race. Dzurinda said that they have to offer people something for which an ugly term “power alternative” is used. “I want to publicly hail the initiative of Bela Bugar, I want to say that the alternative to one-party rule is cooperation of the SDKU with he Christian Democratic movement and the political party MOST-HID,” stated Dzurinda in his address at the Saturday meeting of the SDKU-DS central board. In their declaration, party leaders specify that together with these parties SDKU-DS wants to form a strong barrier against irresponsibility, populism and demagogy. Dzurinda further underscored in his speech that hard times over last weeks have extraordinarily unified the parties. “I have a very strong feeling that if we go together also after the elections, Slovakia has a chance,” he said. In contrast, Dzurinda did not forget to harshly criticize the former coalition partner SaS. According to him it toppled the government with its anti-European criticism and sacrificed the interests of Slovakia to party populism.

MOST-HID leader Bela Bugar has told SME daily that the SDKU, KDH and his party can run as a unified alternative against Robert Fico. “If a rightist bloc is formed, it can be a counterbalance,” he said. Bugar specified that his party would never rule with SMER alone while its priority is a center-right coalition. KDH Chairman Jan Figel made a clear statement for the first time on his movement’s possible alliance with Fico in an interview for the Saturday issue of SME when he said that his movement would not form a government, in which they would be only with Fico.


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Viac k osobe Béla BugárJán FigeľMikuláš DzurindaRobert Fico