SDKU-DS Wants Tighter Cooperation with KDH and MOST-HID

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BRATISLAVA, October 30, (WEBNOVINY) – Center-right parties the SDKU-DS, KDH and MOST-HID should think about how to show people even more that they are close and represent a very clear alternative to the SMER-SD party led by Robert Fico, SDKU-DS Chairman Mikulas Dzurinda said in an exclusive interview for SITA news agency. “Difficult times have brought us together. The upcoming parliamentary elections are an opportunity for voters, too, to lean toward traditional standard parties, and to remember that parties that originated quickly and quickly rose, such as SOP, ANO and now SaS, very quickly displayed great instability. There was indeed considerable election potential behind them. This is where the times bring challenges to political parties, as well as to citizens,“ he remarked.

Dzurinda went on to say that a tighter cooperation among the three center-right parties is possible even before the elections. “We are preparing a joint commemoration of November 17. I wish we were able to do similar events more,” he said. The SDKU-DS leader is sure the three parties will agree on how they will see Slovakia’s prospects after the early general elections. “SDKU-DS, KDH and MOST-HID are an ideological antipole of SMER-SD”, the party leader said, adding that they could say what concrete solutions to Slovakia’s problems they offer together.

According to Dzurinda, people expect political parties to guide Slovakia through difficult and complex times. “People do realize that this is not easy. They expect concrete solutions to concrete problems from us. We in the SDKU-DS are very much aware of it and our election program will be a program of concrete solutions to people’s problems,” the SDKU-DS leader concluded.


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Viac k osobe Mikuláš DzurindaRobert Fico