BRATISLAVA, May 26, (WEBNOVINY) — President Ivan Gasparovic appeals to citizens not to be afraid of the census and contribute to its successful course. As he writes in his statement to the 2011 census, the head of state is concerned by the fact that “during the census of persons, houses and apartments, which is currently on its way in Slovakia, the representatives of the Interior Ministry and of the Office for Personal Data Protection have made the people feel unsafe and have raised doubts about the meaning of the census.” The president emphasized that this is not only a statistical survey in Slovakia; it is also an issue of “fulfilling the task throughout the whole EU.” President Gasparovic has, together with his wife, already filled-in the on-line census forms, Elena Bianchi of the press department of the presidential office told SITA news agency.
First results of the census should be published in the fall 2011, the complete results will probably be published in March 2014 at the latest. The census has similar rules in all EU countries in order to make easier comparison possible among them. Recently, concerns mostly about anonymity of the census in Slovakia have arisen up among the people. They were fueled by the Office for Personal Data Protection, which also questioned the anonymity last week.