New Council to Coordinate Knowledge-Based Economy Project

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BRATISLAVA, September 28, (WEBNOVINY) — Building of a knowledge-based economy in Slovakia will be coordinated by a new Cabinet’s innovation council. Its tasks will include preparations of action plans for building of a knowledge-based economy, supervision of their implementation, monitoring the fulfillment of individual aims and deciding about future directions of innovative policies. The Cabinet of Iveta Radicova approved the statute of the Cabinet Council for Innovations at its Wednesday’s session. The date of Cabinet’s approval is the day when the statute takes effect, too.

Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Ivan Miklos will head the council. Its members will be the economy minister, education minister, foreign affairs minister and government plenipotentiaries for knowledge-based economy and informatization of society. Expenditures connected with participation of the members at the council meeting will be covered by respective central bodies of the state administration from their own budgets.

The formation of the council for innovations is one of the measures of the strategy of building of a knowledge-based economy titled Minerva 2.0- Slovakia, which the Cabinet approved in August of this year. Prepared reforms within the new program Minerva 2.0, which is a continuation of the original Minerva program elaborated during the previous term in office of Ivan Miklos in the post of finance minister, is to facilitate the arrival of direct foreign investments from high-tech areas. The reforms are to create space for establishment and development of local technological firms, too.


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Viac k osobe Ivan MiklošIveta Radičová