MPs, Judges and President to Lose Immunity from Prosecution

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BRATISLAVA, February 3, (WEBNOVINY) – On Friday, Slovak lawmakers canceled their immunity from prosecution for minor offenses which they had enjoyed for years. As of March 1, they will no longer be able to park in restricted zones or speed without being punished. All 147 MPs present in parliament on Friday supported the draft.

According to the new rules, also judges and constitutional judges will have to bear consequences for their transgressions. Moreover, SMER-SD deputy Anna Vittekova submitted an amending proposal based on which not only MPs, but also the president, prosecutors, the prosecutor general, members of the intelligence service SIS, police corps, the correctional and courtroom security corps and railway police will lose immunity. Diplomats, however, will be able to enjoy immunity from prosecution for minor transgressions also in the future, as the parliament did not support the proposal to lift their immunity, too.

By lifting the immunity from prosecution for minor offenses, the former ruling coalition partners fulfilled one of their promises from the program statement of Iveta Radicova’s government at the last moment. The amendment was waiting for voting in the second reading from May 31, 2011 when parliament approved it in the first reading. President Ivan Gasparovic has yet to sign the bill into law.


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Viac k osobe Anna VittekováIvan Gašparovič