Minister Urges Doctors to Sign new Work Contracts

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BRATISLAVA, December 3, (WEBNOVINY)- Health Minister Ivan Uhliarik )KDH) has urged doctors who lodged notices to sign new employment contracts and return to their patients. The minister confirmed that new contracts have been distributed to individual hospitals while the ministry expects doctors to be back on Saturday or Sunday. “I demand trade unionists to stop traumatizing the society even after the memorandum was signed and appeal on doctors to return to their patients and come to replace their colleagues on duty,” Uhliarik stated at his news conference on Saturday, after trade unionists and the government ultimately struck accord enabling to end the protest lasting for two months.

“Doctors are people with university education, I honor them and I am absolutely sure that they are able to compare their old work contracts with the new ones that directors are submitting to them at this moment or nowadays even without a representative of the Medical Trade Unions Association (LOZ),” said Uhliarik. The minister also informed that military doctors from the Czech Republic would be on duty in hospitals in Bratislava, Ruzomberok , Nitra and Zilina already this evening.


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Viac k osobe Ivan Uhliarik