Interior Minister and Police President are Visiting the U.S.

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WASHINGTON/BRATISLAVA, July 15, (WEBNOVINY) — Slovak police will receive training from experts of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), agreed Slovak Minister of Interior Daniel Lipsic together with Police President Jaroslav Spisiak with Executive Assistant Director of FBI’s National Security Branch, Sean Joyce. Slovakia is interested in training of officers to be able to uncover the most serious forms of economic crime. “Slovakia has to be able of uncovering and punishing large-scale financial fraud. The problem is that those who commit such fraud are using more and more sophisticated ways. We therefore would like to make use of the experience FBI has in this field,” said Lipsic after the meeting. Both parties are to agree on details of the cooperation in the next weeks, Interior Ministry’s Lubomira Miklovicova told SITA.

U.S. security authorities already cooperated with Slovakia in the past. In October 2010, Slovak customs officers together with the Border and Foreigner Police and with other experts participated at a training on nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction, organized by the U.S. Department of Defense in cooperation with the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. In 2009, several lectures for members of Slovak security forces were given by FBI agents. Training to prevent smuggling of nuclear materials was also held.


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Viac k osobe Daniel LipšicJaroslav Spišiak