Foreign Language Knowledge will Improve

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BRATISLAVA, August 23, (WEBNOVINY) — English will be compulsory for Slovak pupils in the third year of primary school, Education Minister Eugen Jurzyca (SDKU-DS) stated during a visit of „students“ from Comenius’ Children University at the Slovak Parliament on Monday. The original proposal of the department was to begin with compulsory English for first graders. „We will start from the third year, and if we see that schools have responded well, then we will move into the second year and possibly into the first year,“ Jurzyca responded to the question of an interpreter’s son who wondered whether the minister was aware of the habits which children catch in a foreign language class at an early age and carry them into adulthood.

The new concept of foreign language teaching in primary and secondary schools introduces an obligation for schools to teach the first foreign language in the third grade as of September. This obligation was approved in 2007 by the ministry under the leadership of Jan Mikolaj (SNS).

Jurzyca explained to the children that he wants to introduce compulsory English so that the Slovaks working abroad do not have to do inferior work. Our specialists abroad are often working at inappropriate positions precisely due to the language barrier, stated Jurzyca. „Most movies, music, and good books are in English; and you will be able to read the original since it often happens that there is no Slovak translation,“ Jurzyca said.

The amendment to the law on education establishes English as a compulsory foreign language as of September 1, 2011, so that each high school graduate would be able to speak English fluently. Moreover, he/she should speak at least one more foreign language. This measure will ensure the graduates preconditions for better application on the labor market, according to the Education Ministry.


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Viac k osobe Eugen JurzycaJán Mikolaj