Employers Slam Trade Unions' Demand of Shorter Working Week

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BRATISLAVA, January 19, (WEBNOVINY) — Member of the Presidium of the National Association of Employers (RUZ) Lubos Sirota, believes that shortening the weekly work time from the current 40 to 35 hours without a corresponding change of the wage would have fatal consequences for some important enterprises. He further told the press on Wednesday that wage costs would increase by 15 percent if the trade union proposal to reduce the working time was adopted. In reaction, a proportionate reduction of wages would be necessary, otherwise the unemployment rate would increase by five to ten percent, RUZ Vice President Jozef Spirko pointed out. According to him, the textiles industry, services, construction and farming sectors in particular would be negatively affected by the reduction of working time.

The Labor Code must not prevent formation of new jobs, the employers‘ association said. They request cancellation of a concurrent eligibility to severance pay while an employee sits out a notice period and upon termination of an employment contract. Employers find severance pay to be an inappropriate sanction for dismissing an employee. “It is the biggest obstacle to formation of permanent jobs,” said Sirota. The RUZ further asks for omission of the current three-month ban on renewing a job position after its cancellation.

The RUZ further opines that minimum wage in regions with lower average wage represents a real obstacle to creation of new jobs. They think that minimum wages can be agreed upon in collective agreements.

Unions started a petition demanding a referendum against government’s plans to change the Labor Code. They request shortening of the weekly working time to 35 hours while keeping wages unchanged. Also, the request reduction of permitted overtime work from the current 150 hours a year to 80 hours. The president must announce a referendum if the petition for initiation of the referendum is signed by at least 350,000 people.


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Viac k osobe Jozef Špirko