Dzurinda Welcomes Zitnanska Running to Replace him

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KOSICE , February 21, (WEBNOVINY) – Speaking at a news conference in Kosice on Tuesday, SDKU-DS Chairman Mikulas Dzurinda said that Lucia Zitnanska had informed him of her decision to run for the post of party leader before the party’s council meeting last Saturday. “I welcomed her decision. I will comment on matters concerning what will happen after the elections after March 10,” Dzurinda said. In response to the question of whether he is considering resigning from his post, he said that March 10 will decide on what will happen after the elections.

SDKU-DS’s priorities for eastern Slovakia include dealing with unemployment, infrastructure development, in particular a swift completion of road construction projects, and the Roma issue. Dzurinda specified that they want to resolve unemployment through support for investors, both local and foreign. He stressed that road infrastructure development had been launched under his government and expressed belief that the R4 road connecting Kosice with Hungarian Miskolc would be completed as soon as possible.

Concerning the Roma issue, SDKU-DS deputy Stefan Kuzma said that the party wants to put emphasis on introducing the merit principle, changing rules, and that persons who work do not lose benefits. According to him, it is important to create conditions for unqualified people to work in agriculture, forestry and water management, cleaning roads, and similar activities.


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Viac k osobe Lucia ŽitňanskáMikuláš DzurindaŠtefan Kužma