Coalition Thwarts SMER-Initiated Parliamentary Session

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BRATISLAVA, March 17, (WEBNOVINY) – Coalition MPs on Thursday thwarted the unscheduled parliamentary session initiated by opposition SMER to debate three legislative proposals. Fifty-eight deputies voted for the session, forty-six were against and twenty-one MPs refrained from the voting.

SMER-SD deputies presented a banner immediately after the voting that described the price growth spurt since the parliamentary elections in 2010. Also, they handed over a pack of pasta and flour to Speaker of the Slovak Parliament Richard Sulik (SaS) and Deputy Speakers Bela Bugar (MOST-HID) and Milan Hort (SDKU-DS).

The MPs gathered to debate three blueprints by SMER-SD. The party intended to push through a special bank levy at 0.73 percent of selected liabilities. Another proposal concerned VAT rate reduction to 19 percent. SMER further wanted to introduce a 6-percent VAT rate on the direct sale of farm produce. Among the proposals also was a blueprint, banning the privatization of heating companies.


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Viac k osobe Béla BugárMilan HortRichard Sulík