99% Plans to Spend 2 Million Euros for Election Campaign

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BRATISLAVA, February 21, (WEBNOVINY) – The 99%-Civic Voice movement plans to throw almost 2 million euros into its election campaign, announced its candidate and greatest sponsor Ivan Weiss on Tuesday. He specified that the official election campaign will cost up to 500,000 euros but the cost of its advertising on TV and radio, in the press and on the internet paid by a civic association of the same name was significantly higher. This information campaign cost 1.4 million euros, he said. Weiss did not name sponsors and was silent as well on his own contribution to the campaign.

“I plan to donate how much I can afford. (..) After elections I will gladly publish concrete figures,” Weiss said admitting that he is the most generous sponsor. The movement however will publish names only of those sponsors financing the information campaign who contributed over 5,000 euros.

Weiss criticized the decision of the Council for Broadcast and Retransimision that had said that its political advertising in the media was at odds with the law and labeled it political. “The license council is a highly political body where political nominees of political parties sit,” Weiss thinks.

Weiss estimates that they will spend a total of 15 million euros for this year’s campaign of the party while at least one-tenth of this money will be used for an anti-campaign against those who defame the movement. He thinks that the ongoing barnstorming will be the dirtiest he has ever seen. He argues that the “Gorillas’ fear they will lose their influence and positions and therefore they are blackening 99%.


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Viac k osobe Ivan Weiss