Engineering manager of the Mochovce project Slavomir Vinkovic says that the completion of the third and fourth nuclear unit in Mochovce have encountered ordinary problems that may occur anywhere in the world.
Podľa manažéra inžinieringu dostavby Mochoviec Slavomíra Vinkoviča, dostavba tretieho a štvrtého bloku Atómovej elektrárne Mochovce má normálne problémy , ktoré sa môžu vyskytnúť všade na svete.
The Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic is reassuring that new nuclear units will not be launched unless all requirements for nuclear safety are met.
General Director of Slovenske Elektrarne Branislav Strycek says that the company has all necessary funds to complete two nuclear units in Mochovce, including the completion of the fourth nuclear unit.
Ako uviedol generálny riaditeľ Slovenských elektrární Branislav Strýček, projekt dostavby dvoch jadrových mochoveckých blokov je zafinancovaný až do zrealizovania štvrtého bloku.
The Slovak Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic assures that it will not grant a permission to load nuclear fuel if any suspicions on the readiness of the third and fourth nuclear unit in Mochovce arise.
Slovenský dozorný orgán ubezpečuje, že v prípade akýchkoľvek pochybností o pripravenosti tretieho alebo štvrtého bloku Atómovej elektrárne Mochovce, nevydá povolenie na zavážanie jadrového paliva.
Opposition parties are convinced that one of the reasons for the delayed completion of the Mochovce NPP and increasing budget are the dealings of the companies with ties to the governments led by Smer-SD.