President Signs Bill on Nurses' Minimum Wages into Law

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BRATISLAVA, February 14, (WEBNOVINY) — President Ivan Gasparovic signed into law the bill on minimum wage entitlements of nurses and midwives on Tuesday, presidential spokeman Marek Trubac informed. The law should thus guarantee minimal wages of nurses and midwives depending on the number of productive years.

Parliamentary deputies voted to approve the bill on minimum wage entitlements of nurses and midwives at the beginning of February. The average wage entitlement of nurses and midwives is to increase by 23.89 percent compared with the average wage paid in the first half of last year. At present, health care facilities in Slovakia employ nearly 33,000 nurses and 2,000 midwives. The law will apply also to 3,100 nurses working in orphanages.

In line with the approved draft, the minimum monthly wage of this nurses and midwives without previous experience will be EUR 640, after three years EUR 666.20. The wage will continue rising every three years until it reaches no less than EUR 928 conditioned on thirty-three years of practice.


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Viac k osobe Ivan GašparovičMarek Trubač