Christian Kern.Zdroj: SITA/AP Ronald Zak.

Účastníci salzburského samitu zľava: Robert Fico, slovenský premiér, Emanuel Macron, francúzsky prezident, Christian Kern, rakúsky kancelár a Bohuslav Sobotka, český premiér. 23. august 2017Foto: SITA/AP

FILE - In this April 26, 2016 file photo, Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz speaks during a press conference at a meeting with U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at the foreign ministry in Vienna, Austria. At the UN for the General Assembly, Kurz and Austria's Chancellor Christian Kern urged joint EU action on tightening up Europe's external borders and a "Marshall Plan" for countries responsible for most of the migrant influx to the continent to reduce incentives to leave. (AP Photo/Ronald Zak, File)

Šéf Rakúskych spolkových železníc (ÖBB) Christian Kern.Foto: SITA/AP
Christian Kern.Zdroj: SITA/AP Ronald Zak.