Minister Assures Resolute Investigation of Gorila Files

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BRATISLAVA, January 13, (WEBNOVINY) — The investigation team on the case of the alleged intelligence service SIS file code-named Gorila started inspecting various financial operations and transactions. The investigation will continue next week, reported Interior Minister Daniel Lipsic (KDH). He did not want to go into detail but noted that they are proceeding resolutely. „The suspects are not stupid. They are people with good education, good lawyers, defense attorneys, accountants,” Lipsic added. The question, according to him is whether there was willingness to investigate the case in the past, and if so, whether there was sufficient expert erudition to investigate the cases. „A good team has been put together now and I strongly believe it will move ahead quite fast,” Lipsic added. Members of the investigation team should not have ties to any persons operating in the police corps and mentioned in the files.

According to the minister, the investigation team’s request to free relevant SIS officers from the vow of confidentiality is just the beginning. „We have to unravel all suspicions in partial deeds of corruption, individual financial transactions,” he said, adding that verifying the authenticity of the document is just the first stone in the mosaic.

The interior minister repeated that there is enormous pressure on the investigation, accompanied by casting it into doubt and circulating (mis)information. In this context, he values the “attitude and courage of the Special Prosecution’s Office”. “This case and its investigation will be about the character of society and the state,” he underscored. The minister does not have any information about activities of the team that the General Prosecutor’s Office created.

On Friday, Interior Minister Daniel Lipsic released from the post his aide Milan Krajniak on his own request, the minister announced at a news conference. „He asked to be released from the post and I accepted his request. I appreciate his decision all the more as he was mentioned in the files only marginally,“ Lipsic commented. Furthermore, Director of the St. Michael’s Hospital controlled by the Interior and Defense Ministries Stanislav Janota submitted his resignation to the minister, too. Both Krajniak and Janota were nominees of Christian Democrats in the presidium of the National Property Fund during the time Gorila was compiled, i.e., 2005 and 2006.


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Viac k osobe Daniel LipšicMilan Krajniak