Cabinet Seriously Concerned Over State of Slovak Judiciary

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BRATISLAVA, June 15, (WEBNOVINY) — Slovak Cabinet members have issued a statement voicing serious concern over the state of the judiciary in Slovakia.” The government respects independence of the judiciary. However, there are situations when it is impossible to be silent on behalf of decent judges and in the interest of the citizens,’ stated Prime Minister Iveta Radicova at a news conference after her Cabinet’s session on Wednesday.

Over the past days, said the prime minister, Slovakia witnessed court decisions which stir serious doubts on real independence of some representatives of the judiciary. “Release from custody of a man charged with murder of a woman and an innocent child and unwillingness to issue an international warrant for his repeated detention are evidence of incompetence and fear of concrete judges. The decision after 15 years that former President Michal Kovac has to apologize to a person who had been accused of abducting his son and whose criminal prosecution was halted only thanks to an amnesty of Vladimir Meciar is the same slap in the face of justice in our eyes,“ stated Radicova.

The prime minister added that courts paint the picture of the Slovak judiciary with their decisions. “They will be trustworthy only when their verdicts will be characterized by honesty, courage, and character. Judges are truly independent only when they decide without external pressures. Unfortunately, examples from the recent days do not testify to it,” she said.

Radicova also said that if the Constitutional Court issues a preliminary injunction halting the public election of the new prosecutor general in parliament, a secret ballot should be held instead on Friday.


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Viac k osobe Iveta RadičováMichal KováčVladimír Mečiar